When you manage any type of industrial facility, you need to schedule regular cleaning services in order to follow the legal requirements in your area, and to ensure there are no contaminants that get into any type of batch or product you make. If you're hesitant about scheduling regular industrial cleaning because you don't want to cause damage to your materials or have residual cleaning solutions left behind, you may not know all the processes that are typically available to you. Consider a few different types of industrial cleaning services that you might choose for your facility, and how they can protect your product and equipment.

1. Dry ice cleaning

Dry ice cleaning or blasting is often used when a surface cannot be contaminated or treated with water, and when you need to ensure that no contaminants are left behind. This type of cleaning is typically not abrasive, so it can be used on delicate equipment and tanks of all sorts, and with a blasting service it can be done gently or it can be done very aggressively for a more thorough clean. Dry ice is typically food grade and medical grade safe, so you can clean tanks and equipment for any industry with a dry ice blast, and it leaves no residue or waste behind.

2. Sponge blasting

This type of service usually uses a type of blown foam that has the advantage of reaching into all cracks and crevices of a surface. It doesn't use water so there is no water residue left behind, but it gives a through clean to pitted areas and those with natural formations, such as cement and concrete. Abrasives may be added to the foam cleanser for more control over the cleaning process and for a deeper clean.

3. Industrial vacuuming

Sludge, slurries, and other such materials can be very difficult, if not downright impossible, to clean, and you may be legally prevented from simply rinsing these down your local drains. An industrial vacuum can be the right choice in these cases; this process simply removes these liquids and solid residues from a storage tank, and in most cases, the industrial cleaner will then haul them away safely. An industrial vacuum is typically done without water or other chemicals so it's perfectly safe for any type of processing or production. A blasting service after vacuuming can ensure that the surface of the tank or equipment is then brought back to a new condition.

If you need help with keeping your facility clean, contact an experienced industrial cleaning company like Delron Carpet Cleaning Service
